You may be a relative, friend or neighbor who recognizes someone having difficulty managing their daily personal care. It becomes increasingly difficult to perform the activities of daily living (buying and preparing food, taking medications, maintaining personal hygiene and the upkeep of your home) when you are faced with less acute vision and hearing, limited strength and mobility, and subtle changes in cognition and memory. Often our elder citizens are vulnerable to being taken advantage of by those who provide services for them. Just the act of counting out change at the market can be a difficult task, and the onslaught of solicitations that come in the mail overwhelming.
As our aging population on Whidbey Island continues to grow, there are not enough assisted living options to accommodate all. Many seniors prefer to “age in place”.
There are services available to make this option possible and safe. Sari Spieler of On Your Behalf brings experience, knowledge and skill at connecting these resources with seniors and others in our community seeking support.